Lisa Slocum

Senior Accountant

Lisa is a Senior Accountant with Bestow.  Lisa was drawn to accounting because she is a numbers person – math is her jam!  She likes to be able to gather information and put together a financial picture that everyone can understand and then use to make informed decisions.  

Facts about Lisa and her home state of Colorado:
Favorite food you can't find anywhere else - Good green chili
Favorite local memory - I love the view from the top of a 14er - a 14,000 ft mountain.  There are 58 in CO.  
Favorite State Celebrity - John Denver
Favorite State Activity for Every Season - Summer - Kayaking, Spring - Skiing, Fall - Biking, Winter - Skiing  
Favorite Hobby - I like to ski, bike, kayak and read
Favorite Quote - “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein
Favorite Movie - Indiana Jones
Favorite TV Show - Ted Lasso
Favorite Sports Team - Colorado Avalanche