Marlena White

Senior Accountant

Marlena is a Senior Accountant with Bestow.  She was drawn to nonprofit accounting because it brings her joy to use her skills to assist a nonprofit in fulfilling its mission - good accounting practices lead to stability and stability is key for a mission-based organization. Plus, she considers herself terrible at asking people for money, so fundraising was never an option.   

Facts about Marlena and her home state of South Carolina:
Favorite food you can't find anywhere else – You can find it elsewhere but the best pimento cheese is found in South Carolina.
Favorite local Memory – There are 49 South Carolina state parks and I have visited them all.  They are some of the best places in the state to make memories!
Favorite State Celebrity – Bill Murray has a house in Charleston, SC and will show up in the most random places.  It’s great fun!
Favorite State Activity for Every Season – In South Carolina, you can drive from the mountains to the sea in one afternoon.  There is an outdoor activity for anyone here!
Taylor Ham or Pork Roll (NJ Residence only) – After spending the first half of my life in New Jersey, I have an opinion on this matter.  Without a doubt, pork roll. 
Hobby – Crocheting
Favorite Quote – “For he was fully aware that once a girl walked into a library, she could never be controlled again.”  The Invisible Hour by Alice Hoffman
Favorite TV Show – Parks and Rec
Favorite Movie – Skyfall
Favorite Sports Team – Las Vegas Raiders