Mona Batool

Staff Accountant

Mona is a Staff Accountant with Bestow.  She was drawn to accounting due to its structured and analytical nature, and its versatility as a career. 

Facts about Mona and her home state of Colorado:
Favorite food you can't find anywhere else – Not food per se, but we have an ice-cream place here in CO called Frozen Gold and their “gone camping” ice cream is the best. Nothing else compares to it. 
Favorite local Memory – Going to Frozen Gold with family during summer and winter. 
Favorite State Celebrity –  Amy Adams. 
Favorite State Activity for Every Season – Camping
Favorite Hobby – Watching nature documentaries
Favorite Quote – “The grass is always greener where you water it”.
Favorite TV Show – Rosswell
Favorite Movie – Unconditional
Favorite Sports Team – Denver Broncos