Sarah Taylor


Sarah is the founder of Bestow Nonprofit Accounting and Consulting.  She has been an accountant for over 25 years, and loves her work with nonprofit organizations.  Sarah was drawn to accounting at a very young age – her favorite toy as a child was the 1984 Barbie Home & Office playset, where her Barbie ran an accounting office.

Facts about Sarah and her home state of New Jersey:
Favorite food you can't find anywhere else – Porkroll, Egg and Cheese sandwich (eaten early in the morning from a beach chair looking at the ocean)
Favorite local Memory – Daytrips to the beach with my children when they were small
Favorite State Celebrity – Bruuuce Springstein
Favorite State Activity for Every Season – Beach trips in the summer, Apple picking in the fall, Gardening in the spring, Watching the snow fall while baking in the winter
Taylor Ham or Pork Roll (NJ Residence 0nly) – Pork roll, of course.
Favorite Hobby – Practicing yoga
Favorite Quote – “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain!” – Dolly Parton
Favorite TV Show – Ted Lasso
Favorite Movie – The Notebook